Miami Valley Today News

Davidson Named to Financial Services Committee

The Republican Steering Committee selected Rep. Warren Davidson (R-OH) to serve on the House Financial Services Committee. The Committee has jurisdiction over the banking system, monetary policy, housing, insurance, and securities and exchanges.

On the announcement, Chairman Jeb Hensarling said "Our committee's primary goal is to help hardworking Americans achieve financial independence. Rep. Davidson's expertise on growing small businesses and creating jobs will be a real asset to the committee, and we look forward to working with him to bring prosperity to Main Street."

The committee assignment will be finalized by ratification by the House Republican Conference on Friday.

"I am honored that my colleagues have shown their trust in me by selecting me for one of the most prestigious committees in the House of Representatives, especially as a new member," said Davidson. "I spent the past fifteen years starting and growing manufacturing companies. I know firsthand the effect Dodd-Frank and regulatory overreach have placed on the whole economy and particularly on the need for small companies to access the capital they need to grow. In my new role as Representative, I have spoken with small farm owners, locally owned banks, and small businesses throughout our district who have had the same experiences. Reforming our financial services sector is an important way to get our economy on the right track again and provide financial security for Ohio families. We need to roll back job killing regulations and get back to commonsense rules that end the era of 'too big to fail' while unleashing economic growth and opportunity."