Miami Valley Today News

Troy Main Street Receives National Accreditation

Heritage Ohio is proud to announce the 2017 certification of Troy Main Street as a National Main Street Community. Troy Main Street was organized in 1990 and since continues to revitalize the historic downtown district.

After a half day evaluation process, the board of Troy Main Street exhibited evidence of a healthy program working toward measureable outcomes in downtown revitalization. Troy Main Street is being recognized as proficient in the ten criteria as set by the National Main Street Center, earning 94 out of 99 points. This designation is a testament to the hard work and commitment of the Troy Main Street Board of Directors, staff, and volunteers.

Heritage Ohio helps people to: save the places that matter, build community, and live better. As Ohio's official historic preservation and Main Street Organization, Heritage Ohio's mission is to foster economic development and sustainability through preservation of historic buildings, revitalization of downtowns and neighborhood commercial districts, and promotion of cultural tourism. Since 1998, Heritage Ohio has contracted with the National Trust for Historic Preservation as Ohio's state coordinating agency for the Main Street Program™. Learn more at