Miami Valley Today News

Overfield Tavern Forms Charitable Foundation

In memory of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Bravo and their life-long activism in the Troy community, and their enthusiasm in helping to make the Overfield Tavern Museum the top-caliber museum it is today, Mr. and Mrs. Alexandre Bravo have formed a tax-deductible charitable foundation. The Overfield Tavern Museum Foundation supports the preservation, maintenance, operation and development of the Overfield Tavern Museum and its educational programs.

Benjamin Overfield opened his tavern and inn in the frontier town of Troy, Ohio in 1808. The tavern's location on the banks of the Great Miami River offered an ideal spot to become the center of the town's social and civic life. It was the place to meet area residents and travelers, to find comfortable lodging, good food and drink. Until 1811 the County Court met in an upstairs room of the tavern. The tavern also housed the local Masonic Lodge, one of the first in the state of Ohio.

As a historical landmark, the Museum has been meticulously restored to reflect life circa the early- to mid-1800s. The vast collection includes the type of objects that travelers would have brought with them to the area and those that settlers would have crafted with local materials. Each room of the tavern has been decorated to reflect its original use. Items include 19th century textiles (clothing, coverlets and quilts), pewter, paintings, furniture, porcelain, glass, a rare collection of late 18th century medical books, as well as Native American artifacts unearthed in an archeological dig.

Alexandre and Martha Bravo have donated $25,000 to initiate their 4-year commitment of a $100,000 matching fund campaign inspired by the Hobart Arena fund raiser initiated in 2000 by Robert and Lucia Bravo.

This is an excellent opportunity to double your donation for the ongoing educational programs and building maintenance. For every dollar donated a second dollar will be matched up to $25,000 per year for the next three years for a total of $100,000. The Overfield Tavern Museum Board of Trustees hopes that citizens, local businesses and corporations of Troy and Miami County will be motivated to donate to our community's irreplaceable landmark and enjoy tax credits before the end of the year.

Your support is very important to the Museum's ability to sponsor educational programs. Whether you can give $10, $100 or $1000, your donation is appreciated! Make out your check to Overfield Tavern Museum LHB Foundation and mail to or stop by J. Hall & Associates, CPA, 327 S. Market Street, Troy, OH 45373.

In addition to this fund-raiser, the Overfield Tavern Museum is once again offering seats to their very popular Holiday Dinners. Tickets are selling fast!