Miami Valley Today News

Local Rotarians Help Area Drivers

The news from the Ohio Highway Patrol and Miami County Sheriff's Office is good. For the 17th straight holiday season, there were no alcohol-related deaths in the Miami County area. The Troy and West Milton Rotary clubs helped drivers remember to make smart transportation decisions while out celebrating the holidays through their gold and blue "Designated Driver" buttons. Law enforcement has cited this program as one of many that combine to raise awareness of the dangers of drinking and driving, especially between December and January each year.

Dr. Michael Pope is the chairman of the Designated Driver program that is led by Troy Rotary. He works with Rotarians from West Milton and Troy to distribute thousands of buttons to local banks, bars and state liquor stores. "Since the first year of the program, we have worked hard to help area residents stay safe when they celebrate the holidays," said Pope. He noted that many establishments are anxious to have the buttons to hand out each December and normally run out of their inventory by New Year's Day. That's a good problem to have, especially when it helps people on the roadways reach their destinations unharmed.

West Milton and Troy Rotarians embrace this annual service program as an excellent example of Rotary International's motto of "Service Above Self." Troy Rotarians and the Troy Rotary Foundation support several community projects annually. During the 2015-16 Rotary year, over $23,000 in scholarships and community aid was distributed from the fund, including support for Dolly Parton's Imagination Library program, Rotary's annual Shoe Project, academic and community service scholarships, and sponsorships to summer camps at Brukner Nature Center and WACO Air Museum. The Troy Rotary Club is a member-involved, goal-oriented service club focused on socio/economic issues that have an impact both locally and internationally. Follow their activities on Facebook at Troy Rotary Club. To learn more about Rotary and membership, please visit