Miami Valley Today News

Newton Grad Designs Community Blood Center T-shirt

Newton High School graduate Aliya Stine did more than win a $1,000 Community Blood Center/Vectren Lead The Way Creative Scholarship with her 2017 "Be The Red" campaign. She inspired the t-shirt design high school donors will wear this spring semester at all CBC high blood drives.

Aliya's "Be The Red" theme combines patriotism and unity with the common bond of blood donations. The new high school t-shirt features her drawing of a waving American flag with three red stripes and the others white and grey, and her slogan, "Without You There's Only White and Blue - Be The Red."

"I'm so excited for everyone donating to be able to receive this shirt," said Aliya, now a freshman at Mount Vernon Nazarene University. Her former classmates at Newton High School will receive the t-shirt when they register to donate at their Feb. 15 blood drive.

"It will be awesome to see people wearing it and being able to see it come to life. I hope people are inspired to not only donate blood, but they are inspired to put themselves out there and apply for this scholarship."

The 2018 Lead The Way deadline is April 20. Applicants must create a blood drive marketing campaign with a slogan and a graphic design or other marketing techniques, and explain why it would encourage fellow students to donate.

In her Lead The Way application Aliya said she chose a patriotic theme because of political unrest in the country. She hoped to encourage others to put differences aside and work together for a common good.

"The political aspect of the design is still a hot topic so I hope it will inspire people to talk about politics and share their opinions," she said. "To everyone donating, thank you for your donation and for helping someone in need."

Aliya is from Troy. She is majoring in biology with the goal of becoming a physician's assistant.

The $5,000 Lead The Way Creative Scholarship program is supported by a grant from Vectren. CBC and Vectren annually award $1,000 in college tuition assistance to five graduating, college-bound seniors whose high school hosts a CBC blood drive.

Applications must be postmarked by April 20. Examples of winning campaigns and the 2018 scholarship application are available at For more information contact Cristina Pickle at