Miami Valley Today News

Blood Center Awards Troy Christian $1000

Troy Christian High School is a small school with a big heart for helping others. Community Blood Center honored Troy Christian with a $1,000 High School Leadership Grant for hosting the region's "Most Improved" high school blood drive in 2016-2017.

Troy Christian has only about 211 students, but student coordinator Olivia Glazer led an inspired effort to improve the blood drive by 77 percent over the previous year, the largest increase among CBC's 119 high schools.

"How wonderful to receive the award for the most improved school!" said Principal Paul Gibboney. "Thank you, Community Blood Center, for your service to us and to this area and for the generous gift that encourages our student body."

Olivia was a member of the National Honor Society, the student sponsor group for the blood drive. CBC's Cora Johnson presented the "Most Improve" High School Leadership grant award and $1,000 check at the Thursday, October 26 school assembly "tapping" ceremony for new NHS members.

"Our NHS leader, Olivia Glaser, convinced her peers to get out of their comfort zone and give selflessly," said Becky Lawrence, blood drive coordinator and NHS advisor. "We at Troy Christian are very blessed to have caring and compassionate students who understand the value of blood donation. CBC enabled us to help those in need in a way we could not do alone."

The presentation included a video message from Olivia, who is now a freshman at Indiana Wesleyan University in Marion, Indiana. She encouraged the students to continue the tradition of helping save lives by supporting their school blood drives.

CBC begins the new year of high school blood drives by announcing the highest-achieving high schools from the previous year and awarding $1,000 High School Leadership grants awards in five categories.

Fairmont, the third largest high school in the CBC region, won grants for both "Most Donors" and "Red Cord Excellence." But the remaining grant awards went to three of the region's smallest schools. Seton Catholic High School in Richmond won the grant for "Highest Percentage of Enrollment" and Horizon Science Academy Dayton was the runner-up.

In the 2016-2017 school year 119 high schools in CBC's 15-county region hosted 220 blood drives, totaling 14,322 registrations to donate, 6,218 first-time donors and 11,185 blood donations.

Troy Christian High School receives CBC High School Leadership grant award. (L-R) Troy Christian Principal Paul Gibboney, blood drive coordinator Becky Lawrence & CBC's Cora Johnson.